Monday 23 October 2017

Ivy resolvers

Each dependency resolver is identified by its name, given as an attribute. This tutorial is an example of how modules can be retrieved by multiple resolvers. Using multiple resolvers can be useful in many contexts.

This resolver uses the file system to resolve ivy files and artifacts.

An advantage of this resolver is that it usually provides very good performance.

Moreover, it is easy to setup using basic OS file sharing mechanisms.

It can also be configured to use other similar repositories.

Ivy needs to be configured to be able to resolve your dependencies. This setting also affects the default place where the resolver looks for its . Indeed it uses urls to find ivy files and artifacts. Limitation: in m2compatible mode . This example is an illustration of how modules can be retrieved by multiple resolvers.

If your server supports sftp, you can consider using the sftp . In Ivy , resolvers and their relationships, priorities and chains are defined separately from the resolve task. Apache Ivy Resolver defines the location, layout and structure of the repositories and Ivy uses resolvers to connect and fetch from the repositories. In some cases, your module descriptions (i.e.

Ivy files, maven poms) are located separately from the module artifacts (i.e. jars). And this tutorial will show you how. Packager repositories contain no actual artifacts.

To get the artifacts, the packaging instructions are downloaded from the repository and executed locally. These instructions specify additional resource(s) to . It presents the advantage to usually have very good performances. Moreover, the fact that it is the responsibility of the resolver to find ivy files and download artifacts helps to implement various resolving strategies.

If you want to see which resolvers are available in ivy , you can go to the . Ivyroundup is designed around the packager resolver in ivy. Alternative locations can be specified using the ivy settings task.

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